5 Effective Men Fitness Tips


5 Effective Men Fitness Tips
 Men fitness is essential to improve the strength, muscles, endurance, health and also style. Overweight, lack of sexual life, lack of physical activity, improper muscle tone, fragile bones, slowed thinking, stooped posture, debilitating diseases, hospital stay, etc are all end to your life. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, it is the time to start everyday men fitness routine to stop them further advancing.

Here are the effective men fitness tips:

1. Proper breathing

Most people don’t concentrate on breathing and this end up with rapid inhalation and exhalation. It is an inefficient method and doesn’t work to improve your condition. Elongating and controlling the exhalation can greatly improve your cardiovascular health.

2. Encourages positive thinking

Physical activity encourages the release of feel-good chemicals such as endorphins, which make you feel happy and less anxious after the workout. But, don’t think stress as the reason not to exercise. Also you can practice exercises that encourage positive thinking. Some relaxation exercises, yoga and meditation will promote positive thoughts.

3. Concentrate on core training

Core – back and the stomach is the body’s engine. The stronger the core, the greater it will help to stabilize and maintain the posture and also prevent the injury. So, it is very essential to do back and stomach exercises for great men fitness.

Core exercises flatten your abs faster and better than any other abdominal workout. It improves balance and coordination. It produces more and better links between the brain, particularly the cerebellum and the body.

4. Build pyramids

Contraction against heavy resistance can grow the muscle fibers and improve the strength. Weight lifting is one of the great things for men fitness. In order to avoid the injuries, you should be very careful with weight lifting process.

Initially start with 60% of the maximum weight that you could lift for one repetition and do it for 15 repetitions. Then make the weight 70% of the maximum, and do 10-12 repetitions. Then finally make the weight 80% of the maximum, and do 5 repetitions. It helps men to handle higher weights after warm up, which will greatly maximize the benefits.

5. Maintain the balance

Make sure that both sides of your body will get the same physical activity when you perform the exercise. Sports men who play a game that stresses only one side of the body, for example tennis makes the chest muscles become imbalanced.

So, for this you need to do dumb-bell presses to insulate specific muscles and stretch to improve the quality of muscles.

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