Top 7 Exercise That Helps Lose Weight



Exercising is vital if you are attempting to lose weight. Although, all kinds of exercises are good for weight loss, there are certain exercises that can help you burn extra fat in a short amount of time.

Exercise also helps you to reduce several diseases and also improve your overall health and well-being. To determine the best type of exercise routine for you, talk with your doctor and a qualified fitness instructor.

Here are some exercise that helps lose weight:


Walking can be an important part of a weight loss routine. Walking at a moderate speed for 30-60 minutes every day burn off stored fat and may develop muscle mass to speed up your metabolism.

Walking an hour per day is also associated with lowering your risk of breast cancer, heart disease, colon cancer, stroke and diabetes. A 150-pound person may generally burn about 600 calories per hour by walking.

2. Swimming:

Swimming is a common recreational sport that can be used for weight loss. Along with fat-burning benefits, swimming will help strengthen your cardiovascular system, improve flexibility and boost your mood.

So you can make swimming as a part of your weight-loss program. Deep-water walking melts away more calories than walking on ground because of the resistance of the water. One hour of swimming for a 155-lb person burns about 446 calories.

3. Bicycling:

Riding a bicycle is possibly one of the easiest weight loss routines. The movement of bicycling, particularly uphill and high-intensity cycling is a great way to build muscle mass as well as burn off fat. Bicycling is also effective to improve the core region of the body, the abdominal and back muscles.

The average cyclist will probably shed fat about 200 calories every half-hour on a leisurely ride, and burn about 500 calories when riding more strenuously.

4. Dancing:

Dancing is a most fun and enjoyable workout to reduce excess body weight as it targets your entire body. Dancing may lose as many calories as walking, swimming and riding a bicycle.

The amount of calories you burn while dancing will depend on your level of fitness, the type of dancing you choose and the intensity of your dance workout. When you dance intensely for one hour every day and 7 days a week, you are able to drop 1 to 2pounds each week.

5. Horse Riding:

Horse riding once in a week is one of the ideal ways to stay healthy and fit. It also helps you to lower the risk of weight-related illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, etc. Horse riding uses much more energy, so decide before choosing horse riding as a regular way of exercise.

6. Yoga:

If you are attempting to lose body fat, a flowing type of yoga is a smart choice as yoga can strengthen your muscles mass, melt away calories and improve your posture.

There are many kinds of yoga poses such as ashtanga, hot yoga, power yoga exercise that helps lose weight. An individual of average weight will burn 150 calories during an hour of regular yoga. 

7. Soccer:

Playing around the soccer field with friends and cashing your kids with the soccer ball is a great way to burn more calories and shed extra body fat. A person of average weight will burn 400 calories during an hour of soccer playing. Soccer is a more beneficial form of workout for many reasons.

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