Home Ab Workouts – Building Your Abs At Home


Home Ab Workouts – Building Your Abs At Home
Ab workouts help a person in getting the flat tummy. It is also possible to get six-pack body with these workouts. Present world has become more conscious about health and fitness. Many people think that having a thin and slim body is having a fit body. But, it is not true, fit body means having a fit mind and body. Exercise is a good means of having a fit body.

Ab workouts concentrate on the abdominal muscles. Abdominal is one the important body part. Having a flat tummy means no extra fat, which in turn mean free of diseases that are caused due to obesity. But, one thing is to be remembered that flat is not obtained by doing exercise overnight, it will surely take some time. Here are some famous ab workouts that you can practice at home.

Bicycle Exercise

This is one of the most effective ab workouts. This workout helps in strengthening the core muscles of abdominal. Here is how this Bicycle exercise is done.

  1. Lie down on the floor such that the spine, and lower back is in contact with the floor.
  2. Put the fingers behind the neck. Make sure that comfortably lying on the floor.
  3. Next move the knee towards the chest.
  4. Next shoulder blades are to be raised of the floor, but make sure that this happen without pulling the neck.
  5. Move the left knee towards the chest and the right leg away from the knee. Simultaneously twist the waist towards the right and raise the right shoulder towards the left knee.
  6. Now do it with right leg. Repeat the process alternative with left leg and right leg.
  7. Repeat it 10times with each leg in 3 sets. Make sure that you do it slowly.

Ab Workouts – Ball Crunches

This is too one of the best ab workouts that you can choose for doing at home. For this you need to have a exercise ball, which you can get in any fitness equipments shop and it is not so expensive. This workout helps in strengthening the deep core muscles of abs. Let’s see how to do this workout.

  1. First and foremost, you need to choose the correct exercise ball that suits you.
  2. Place the exercise ball on the floor, and lie on it such that the ball is under your lower back.
  3. Bent your knees towards the ball.
  4. Place your both hands behind your head.
  5. Lift your torso and bend towards the lower abdominal such that your ab muscles get contracted. Make sure to keep the exercise ball in a steady position.
  6. Now bend backwards towards the ball such that your ab muscles get expanded.
  7. Repeat the workout for 15 times of 3 sets.

Long-Arm Crunch

Next among the best ab workouts that can be done at home is Long-Arm Crunches. This workout helps in strengthening your upper ab muscles. You can also do Long-Arm Crunches by holding dumbbells with both hands. Here are the steps for doing this Ab workout.

  1. Lie down on the floor such that your spine and lower back is completely in contact with the floor.
  2. Extent your arms straight and put them behind your hand. And clasp your both hands.
  3. Bend the legs towards hips.
  4. Now lift your shoulder blades such that your abs get contracted.
  5. Make sure that your arms are straight while lifting the shoulder blades.
  6. Now bend backwards towards the floor.
  7. Repeat the process for 15 times for 3 sets.

Apart from these ab workouts, you can also do reverse crunches, vertical crunches, etc for building your ab muscles. You need to remember one thing while doing these ab workouts is that you should do them slowly. And if you feel any strain while doing them, take a small break till you get relief from the strain and continue with them.


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