6 ED Symptoms Developing Risk Factors in Young Men


6 ED Symptoms Developing Risk Factors in Young Men
 Smoking and alcohol are the major risk factors for developing ED symptoms. ED or erectile dysfunction is a condition in which men are unable to achieve or maintain erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Usually this condition occurs in men during their 50s, but nowadays it is also affecting in young men during their 30s.

There are various risk factors that can in developing ED symptoms in young men, such as:


As we all know that smoking can lead to various sexual problems along with other dangerous health diseases. Nicotine, tar and other carcinogens in cigarettes when inhaled, all are accumulated in lungs and thus leading to arterial sclerosis or even hardening of arteries.

When this condition happens, your heart needs to work harder to pump the required blood to the major organs of the body for proper functioning. It finally leaves very less energy in the body to supply the blood for the three chambers of the penis thus making erection more difficult.


Obesity is one of the major causes of various sexual problems. Erectile dysfunction is the most common one among those. Irrespective of the age, ED symptoms are most common in men who are obese.

Obese men have excessive fat accumulated around the heart and various other organs and thus making it hard to pump the sufficient blood flow to the sex organs and leading to erection problems.

Heart disease

Heart problems are also among the leading causes of male impotence and cause ED symptoms during their 30s.

There are some genetic factors that can trigger this condition, such as: hereditary high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or problems with poor diet, diet high in fat content, high triglycerides, lack of physical activity, high sugar and cholesterol levels.


Diabetes causes a person’s body to unable to regulate the sugar levels in blood, which again causes hardening of the arteries. This causes it difficult for the flow of blood in the body and for all the major sexual organs.


Alcohol acts as depressant on central nervous system. When this happens, a person may feel more relaxed and become sexually excited. When a person’s brain is under the effect of alcohol, the brain does not function properly in sending the signals for male libido.

Also, the neurons that send signals to the brain for proper blood supply to the penis in order to achieve erection.

Narcotic drugs

These drugs act as depressant on the brain, hormones, central nervous system and various other body parts, which can lead to ED symptoms. Narcotics can stay in your blood and in the nervous system for almost 48 hours.

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